The Diy Powerwall Wizard app was designed and created to be used as a tool to help you build your own off-grid projects.
With this app you will get inside information on how many cells do you need to create a battery pack using 18650 cells or how many solar panels do you need to recharge your batteries fast.
It has 3 mayor tools to help you in every step of your Diy project:
-- Battery Pack Wizard: A tool to calculate how many cells you'll need for a specific storage capacity.
-- Watts Calculator: Do you have a device that needs to be off-grid for a few hours? use this tool to calculate how much power you are going to need in storage capacity.
-- Solar Panels Calculator: This tools is to help you figure out the amount of power you are going to need to recharge your batteries during the day.
-- Video Tutorials: Learn how to make Powerwalls step by step. This parte of the app will be constantly updated to make sure we are up to date with the new trends.
L'app Diy Powerwall Wizard è stata progettata e creata per essere utilizzata come strumento per aiutarti a creare i tuoi progetti off-grid.
Con questa app riceverai informazioni interne su quante celle hai bisogno per creare un pacco batteria usando 18650 celle o quanti pannelli solari hai bisogno per ricaricare velocemente le tue batterie.
Ha 3 strumenti principali per aiutarti in ogni fase del tuo progetto Diy:
- Procedura guidata Battery Pack: uno strumento per calcolare il numero di celle necessario per una capacità di archiviazione specifica.
- Watts Calculator: hai un dispositivo che deve essere spento per alcune ore? utilizzare questo strumento per calcolare la potenza di cui si avrà bisogno nella capacità di archiviazione.
- Calcolatrice pannelli solari: questo strumento ti aiuta a capire la quantità di energia di cui hai bisogno per ricaricare le batterie durante il giorno.
- Esercitazioni video: impara come realizzare i Powerwall passo dopo passo. Questa parte dell'applicazione verrà costantemente aggiornata per essere sicuri di essere aggiornati con le nuove tendenze.
The Diy Powerwall Wizard app was designed and created to be used as a tool to help you build your own off-grid projects.
With this app you will get inside information on how many cells do you need to create a battery pack using 18650 cells or how many solar panels do you need to recharge your batteries fast.
It has 3 mayor tools to help you in every step of your Diy project:
-- Battery Pack Wizard: A tool to calculate how many cells you'll need for a specific storage capacity.
-- Watts Calculator: Do you have a device that needs to be off-grid for a few hours? use this tool to calculate how much power you are going to need in storage capacity.
-- Solar Panels Calculator: This tools is to help you figure out the amount of power you are going to need to recharge your batteries during the day.
-- Video Tutorials: Learn how to make Powerwalls step by step. This parte of the app will be constantly updated to make sure we are up to date with the new trends.